Writing on the Wall: Custom Whiteboards for Your Office
Back in September we outfitted out or office with walls full of long-awaited whiteboards. Whiteboards are great for brainstorming, and they make it easier[..]
Back in September we outfitted out or office with walls full of long-awaited whiteboards. Whiteboards are great for brainstorming, and they make it easier[..]
Though his role as a full-time developer is freshly pressed, Jeremy is no stranger to Mutually Human. He's been working with us since[..]
Over the years, we’ve really come into our own as a company. With the right people, the right space, and the right practices, Mutually Human has built a[..]
In the previous article “Looking Closer at Empathy” I outlined the differences between Sympathy and Empathy and how they impact product design, something[..]
Hiring a software developer is an important step in creating a good quality software product. Unfortunately, building a great team is a[..]
I get it. Blogging isn't your business. You don't want to pay people fiddle around on Facebook. If you[..]
As a software developer who loves to create products for people, I think about my audience a lot. Over time my work has[..]
In my last blog post, I discussed how to incorporate Twilio into your Ruby on Rails application. However, I didn't discuss how to automate testing these[..]
To help illustrate this, we're going to use an almost universal concept in software development, and one readily familiar to any Rails developer:[..]
When we release a product, we rely heavily on user feedback to determine what's working and what isn't. We take what we learn and[..]
Mutually Human is a custom software design and development consultancy specializing in mobile and web-based products and services. We help our clients design, develop and bring to market innovative products and services based on insightful research and strategy aligned with business objectives. We’ve helped Fortune 500 companies, state governments, and startups.