Writing on the Wall: Custom Whiteboards for Your Office

Back in September we outfitted out or office with walls full of long-awaited whiteboards. Whiteboards are great for brainstorming, and they make it easier[..]

Mark Van Holstyn

Let's Get Technical III: Design as the Conscience of the World

At Midwest UX in 2013, I was standing in Frank Lloyd Wright’s Meyer May House in Grand Rapids when the docent guiding my group remarked that Wright was[..]

Jonah Bailey

Let's Get Technical II: Technology on Steroids

In my last blog entry, I wrote about why designers should become more conversant in the nitty gritty of technology. I’d like to take a step forward and be[..]

Jonah Bailey

None Pizza and Multiple Choice

You've probably already seen None Pizza with Left Beef:

Sam Bleckley

Let's Get Technical

The Debate is Over

The debate over whether designers in the tech industry should be technical has already happened. Like any good political debate, I[..]

Jonah Bailey

Syncr Evolution: Interface updates.

We Listened to Feedback

When we release a product, we rely heavily on user feedback to determine what's working and what isn't. We take what we learn and[..]

Victor Sirotek

Simple Pure Interaction

I've been observing trends in children's application design for a couple years now. From the time that my boys were born, I started snooping around neat[..]

Victor Sirotek

Day 3 From Interaction, Dublin

[Editor's Note: Victor is drafting these daily recaps from the notes he took at the Interaction Design Conference in Dublin earlier this month. Soon,[..]

Victor Sirotek

Announcement: More Features, Easier Customization with Syncr

Syncr subscribers can now take advantage of two major improvements: more options for customizing your sync and an easier way to go about it.

Grace Eyre

Day 2 From Interaction, Dublin

[Editor's Note: This post provides several basic touchpoints for larger topics in the ongoing conversation of UX and Design. Where possible, I've provided[..]

Victor Sirotek

Greetings from Interaction, Dublin!

Read more about Interaction, Dublin and the Interaction Design Association.

Victor Sirotek