Writing on the Wall: Custom Whiteboards for Your Office

Back in September we outfitted out or office with walls full of long-awaited whiteboards. Whiteboards are great for brainstorming, and they make it easier[..]

Mark Van Holstyn

Should You Be A Consultant?

Over the last few years, I’ve spent a fair bit of time observing and thinking about people who work at consulting companies such as ours. I’ve seen some[..]

Mike Doel

An Updated Look At Choosing Between OAuth2 and SAML

I receive a lot of emails regarding my post Choosing an SSO Strategy: SAML vs OAuth2. The two common questions seems to be: 1) Did you make the right[..]

Zach Dennis

Performance Testing vs Load Testing

A common mistake made in our industry is to conflate performance testing with load testing. While both are important, neither is a substitute for the[..]

Mike Doel

Invite Yourself To The Party

I love watching my toddler play. He sees another kid with cool Matchbox cars or building Legos and he dives right in. He doesn't hang back and watch or[..]

Sara Gibbons

What's A Director of Happiness Anyway?

What's A Director of Happiness?

I was recently promoted to Director of Happiness here at Mutually Human and I'm sure, like everyone else I've spoken with[..]

Mallory Bartz

Making Github Flavored Markdown Your Default Grammar in Atom

Recently, while mentoring a client product manager, we were exploring a few different tools for writing stories. He'd gotten comfortable with using[..]

Zach Dennis

Output or Outcome?

Is your team executing well – a healthy backlog, wireframes, designs, stories, features, an automated test suite – but still not achieving the outcome[..]

Zach Dennis

Bitcamp 2015 @ Mutually Human

I've been a software engineer for many years. I love what I do but being in a male-dominated field has never been easy. There have been countless times I[..]

Sara Gibbons

Welcome, Columbus!

Every software company in the world dreams of a day when a team of talented, like-minded developers knocks on their door and asks to work for them. We all[..]

Mallory Bartz

Let's Get Technical III: Design as the Conscience of the World

At Midwest UX in 2013, I was standing in Frank Lloyd Wright’s Meyer May House in Grand Rapids when the docent guiding my group remarked that Wright was[..]

Jonah Bailey