The only regional conference of the IXDA in the the United States, Midwest UX will be held in Grand Rapids this year. The past two years it has been held in Columbus, OH.
Mutually Human has been intimately involved in the support and preparation of the conference. We're home to three of the volunteers who have poured countless hours into making this event come to fruition. Samuel Bowles is one of three co-chairs of the MWUX GR team; Jonah Bailey is the lead MWUX interactive designer and developer; and Michael Nykamp of MKN Design (resident in the Mutually Human office) has designed all the graphics for the event. In addition to being a "Gold Level" financial sponsor, we've hosted the majority of the planning team meetings, and provided software development.
The excitement has been building as we’ve watched the most visible aspect — the design process — progress. We've watched Michael work through iterations and reiterations of design ideas for everything from t-shirts and signs to programs and name badges. Now that the t-shirts have arrived, the signage is done and the programs and name badges are being delivered today. Michael's work is basically done and the reminders of all his hard work that have been growing in his corner of the office were taken down today.
It was strange to see his suddenly-bare corner this afternoon. But it was with a sigh of relief and great satisfaction that he was able to clear his plate for the next project.