Writing on the Wall: Custom Whiteboards for Your Office

Back in September we outfitted out or office with walls full of long-awaited whiteboards. Whiteboards are great for brainstorming, and they make it easier[..]

Mark Van Holstyn

5 Modes of UX Design

At Mutually Human, our UX design process includes time spent in the following modes:

Lori Mackson

Let's Get Technical III: Design as the Conscience of the World

At Midwest UX in 2013, I was standing in Frank Lloyd Wright’s Meyer May House in Grand Rapids when the docent guiding my group remarked that Wright was[..]

Jonah Bailey

Let's Get Technical II: Technology on Steroids

In my last blog entry, I wrote about why designers should become more conversant in the nitty gritty of technology. I’d like to take a step forward and be[..]

Jonah Bailey

None Pizza and Multiple Choice

You've probably already seen None Pizza with Left Beef:

Sam Bleckley

A Look at Balanced Team Chicago

Last month, Ryan, Samuel and Mark took a trip to Chicago to attend the Balanced Team Conference, generously hosted by IDEO. Balanced Team Chicago was a[..]

Grace Eyre

Internal Expectations

In the previous two posts, I've focused on how you can build a better product by channeling your natural ability to empathize with other people. For the[..]

Ryan Montgomery

Too Much Content?

Does your website have too much content?

It seems the common wisdom is there is never too much content – the more content published, the more search[..]

Samuel Bowles

The Case for Immersion

In the previous article “Looking Closer at Empathy” I outlined the differences between Sympathy and Empathy and how they impact product design, something[..]

Ryan Montgomery

The Curious Case for Content

You're Not a Publisher, So Why Care About Content?

I get it. Blogging isn't your business. You don't want to pay people fiddle around on Facebook. If you[..]

Grace Eyre

Looking Closer at Empathy

Empathy in Product Development

As a software developer who loves to create products for people, I think about my audience a lot. Over time my work has[..]

Ryan Montgomery