In Part 1: Pairing is not Always Practical, we explained how the costs of pair programing sometimes outweigh the benefits. Here are a few things we've[..]
Intentional Pairing
Practical pairing is the notion that when we pair, we do so intentionally. It’s about being conscious in our decisions to wield[..]
I have often felt the same way Brandon does in his post, The world runs on bad software, although I've come to believe that the frustration he is[..]
Weighing the merits of different text editors has sparked nerd holy wars since the beginning of the Unix epoch. One of the defining characteristics of a[..]
Tonight I had the opportunity to give a talk on Javascript code organization and patterns at the local GRWebDev user group. As a take-away from that[..]
I was happy to see on the twitter-sphere that The RSpec Book was reviewed over on Ruby Inside by Peter Cooper. If you didn’t know, I was one of the[..]
We recently learned about We had so much fun with it that we decided to share. Meet the team!