Writing on the Wall: Custom Whiteboards for Your Office
Back in September we outfitted out or office with walls full of long-awaited whiteboards. Whiteboards are great for brainstorming, and they make it easier[..]
Back in September we outfitted out or office with walls full of long-awaited whiteboards. Whiteboards are great for brainstorming, and they make it easier[..]
In Part 1: Pairing is not Always Practical, we explained how the costs of pair programing sometimes outweigh the benefits. Here are a few things we've[..]
Practical pairing is the notion that when we pair, we do so intentionally. It’s about being conscious in our decisions to wield[..]
I have often felt the same way Brandon does in his post, The world runs on bad software, although I've come to believe that the frustration he is[..]
Weighing the merits of different text editors has sparked nerd holy wars since the beginning of the Unix epoch. One of the defining characteristics of a[..]
Tonight I had the opportunity to give a talk on Javascript code organization and patterns at the local GRWebDev user group. As a take-away from that[..]
I was happy to see on the twitter-sphere that The RSpec Book was reviewed over on Ruby Inside by Peter Cooper. If you didn’t know, I was one of the[..]
We recently learned about eightbit.me. We had so much fun with it that we decided to share. Meet the team!
Mutually Human is a custom software design and development consultancy specializing in mobile and web-based products and services. We help our clients design, develop and bring to market innovative products and services based on insightful research and strategy aligned with business objectives. We’ve helped Fortune 500 companies, state governments, and startups.