Writing on the Wall: Custom Whiteboards for Your Office

Back in September we outfitted out or office with walls full of long-awaited whiteboards. Whiteboards are great for brainstorming, and they make it easier[..]

Mark Van Holstyn

A Rails testing environment with Cucumber, RSpec, and autotest

Automated testing is an important part of what we do at Mutually Human Software. Automated tests can reduce bugs and regressions, give us confidence that[..]

Zach Church

Finding Rhythm With Base

Years ago, when I ran cross country, my coach would tell us that we needed to run 250 miles over the summer. We needed to accumulate a base mileage[..]

Zach Dennis

Scout App 0.5.0 Released

Zach Dennis

We Love Startups. Congratulations Booker and Chext!

Momentum MI

Grace Eyre

Welcome, Samuel Bowles!

Mutually Human would like to welcome Samuel Bowles to the team as our new UX Design lead!

Grace Eyre

Death to Meetings

Recently, on the recommendation of my colleague I read Patrick Lencioni's Death By Meeting. It wasn't what I expected, but in such a good way. Every few[..]

Zach Dennis

Somebody Set Us Up the BOM

Last week I was working on localizations for a Ruby on Rails project. Rails provides a simple way to add internationalization to your project. But what[..]

Chris Rittersdorf

Practical Typography

You can use typography to greatly strengthen the visual appeal of the sites and apps that you build.

Even if you aren’t a designer, you should be[..]

Victor Sirotek

Looking for a fellow human: Agile, Mobile, Web, Rails Developer

If you're looking for a community-oriented, agile development shop that focuses strictly on web and mobile applications, we'd love to talk to you at[..]

Zach Dennis

Congratulations Grace!

Every now and then you need a good reason to interrupt the normal flow of head down, hyper-focused, highly diligent work efforts. The other day happened[..]

Zach Dennis