Let's Get Technical III: Design as the Conscience of the World

At Midwest UX in 2013, I was standing in Frank Lloyd Wright’s Meyer May House in Grand Rapids when the docent guiding my group remarked that Wright was[..]

Jonah Bailey

iPhone 6 or 6 Plus?

Apple announced two new iPhone models last week, and I've been struggling to decide which one I would prefer to carry around with me for the next two[..]

Mark Van Holstyn

Identifying Project Scope

Determining a project's scope can be a challenging task. There are often many business needs, sometimes conflicting, that pull a project in different[..]

Matthew Seeley

Dig Deep: All The Good Stuff Is At the Bottom

Is anyone else constantly in fear or is it just me? Based on the incessant phone-checking I see and most people's inability to sit still or make proper[..]

Mallory Bartz

My Greatest Design Challenge

This school year I taught a class in Interaction Design for high schoolers at the West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology. We designed an iPhone app,[..]

Samuel Bowles

Welcome John, Stella, and Sydney!

John Muyskens, Design Apprentice:

A creator from the start, John spent his wonder years making spy movies, radio shows, and homemade audiobooks with his[..]

Mallory Bartz

Cult of Personality in Tech

I want to start with something simple: I've worked in places where I was unhappy, unproductive, and afraid -- and all the while, I thought I wanted to[..]

Mallory Bartz

The Call is Coming from Inside the House

We've been talking a lot about women in engineering lately here at Mutually Human; Samuel recently wrote a post on the subject. I want to write down,[..]

Sam Bleckley

Atom is Buggy, Beta, and Slow

Atom is a text editor made by Github. It's in a large, "invite only" beta. It's got bugs, it's slow, and it's sometimes uncomfortable to use. It's also[..]

Sam Bleckley

Why Do We Need Women in Tech?

I was recently asked an interesting and challenging question by a female colleague. In her experience (as a female and a programmer) she's often asked,[..]

Samuel Bowles

Indecipherable Functions Aren't Essential in Embedded Development

If you tell any web or mobile developer that you've been spending your days and nights reading and writing embedded C, they'll probably think you're[..]

Zach Dennis