Writing on the Wall: Custom Whiteboards for Your Office

Back in September we outfitted out or office with walls full of long-awaited whiteboards. Whiteboards are great for brainstorming, and they make it easier[..]

Mark Van Holstyn

Grand Rapids companies enter mutually beneficial arrangement

May 4, 2009 - In early April, Mutually Human Software, a company that writes people-friendly custom Web applications, and People Design, a firm that[..]

John Hwang

Terminal: a better way to navigate using ad

Over the years I've used my own aliases in .profile (or .bashrc) as well as bash functions, perl scripts, etc produced by coworkers or random people on[..]

Zach Dennis

Using custom ActiveRecord events/callbacks

Sometimes you are presented with a situation where you should use custom callbacks/events in your ActiveRecord model.

Zach Dennis

Software Craftsmanship Summit

On Saturday, December 14th, Craig, John, Mark, Matt and Zach joined about 30 other people for a summit on software craftsmanship in Libertyville, IL, at[..]

Craig Demyanovich

MHS.welcome(Matt).on("17 Nov 2008")

The population of MHS grew by one on November 17th when Matt Blodgett joined us. He brings a wealth of web development experience using ASP.NET and[..]

John Hwang

MutuallyHuman.com Redesign

Finally! We bit the bullet and actually redesigned the website. Since we started the company, we've been too busy to work on our own website. I guess it's[..]

John Hwang