(Over)simplify Your Code

One of my eureka moments as a developer came when my programming pair suggested I separate some very simple math in the body of a method into another[..]

Ross Hunter

Why Do We Need Women in Tech?

I was recently asked an interesting and challenging question by a female colleague. In her experience (as a female and a programmer) she's often asked,[..]

Samuel Bowles

Indecipherable Functions Aren't Essential in Embedded Development

If you tell any web or mobile developer that you've been spending your days and nights reading and writing embedded C, they'll probably think you're[..]

Zach Dennis

AngularJS: A Retrospective

Web apps are increasingly getting more and more complicated these days. Libraries and frameworks of the past just aren't built to grow with these evolving[..]

AJ Hekman

Ruggedizing Mobile Applications

Mobile environments can be hard on developers. There are a laundry list of constraints to deal with, everything from smaller screen sizes and slower[..]

Matthew Seeley

The Well-Themed Tapestry of MWUX13

The MWUX13 team wanted their theme to have real meaning while simultaneously avoiding too many constraints. They finally settled on the theme of "Place".

Robyn Bowles

Debugging JavaScript in a Hostile Environment

We recently built the web front-end portion of a project using AngularJS. The requirements for the project specified that the app needed to run in a[..]

E.J. Dyksen

It's About Place: Designing a Design Conference

In October 2013, Mutually Human team members Samuel Bowles and Jonah Bailey, along with "Human-in-Residence" Michael Nykamp and other local volunteers,[..]

Robyn Bowles

Math Is Not Necessary for Software Development

Sometimes, I tweet. When I tweet, sometimes people agree with me. One such occasion happened recently when I said this.

Ross Hunter

Dog Trainers and Pull Requests

This syllogism drives my decision-making when I design and build tools for myself. Let me walk through a concrete example, involving automating some git[..]

Sam Bleckley